Showing 10,042 contests
Zielgruppe: Umweltbewusste Eltern aus Deutschland, die Wert auf nachhaltiges Spielzeug und hochwertige Produkte legen. E
112 designs
Our Clients getting started on their Trading and Investing Journey. They are mainly males between 35 - 45
55 designs
My ideal target audience are women aged between 20-45 years, that are looking for natural solutions to lash growth. They
43 designs
A wealthy mature successful man with free time to practice golf. The packaging should make them feel they'll be winners
31 designs
Specialized for hobby campers and hikers as well as passionate nature lovers on excursions, who seek a product with prop
48 designs
Affluent women age 27-35, fashion conscious, high income bracket, travellers (international/ worldly), socially consciou
129 designs
Tech savvy smartphone owners, who are smart enough to scour out a high spec product (without paying about the odds)
36 designs
All people who care for their teeth and the environment and are interested in doing their part to reduce plastic waste.
170 designs
Fishermen and cooks use battery-powered sealer the product to lock-in in the freshness of the caught fish or other food
58 designs
Women, who want to improve their hair, middle/high-income women. They usually have hair issues or want to grow their hai
32 designs
Busy adults looking for a healthy snack on the go or for kids lunch boxes at school (as is free from allergens)
189 designs
Restaurants, Bars, Hotels, Beach clubs,
We are looking to be the Firt water bottled in Aluminum that can be served in R
136 designs
- Mothers
- Female aged 20 and above
- Anyone who cooks and uses the kitchen
- Organizers
106 designs
Our main audiences are moms-to-be or moms of newborns/toddlers.
Our product is pricy so our customers are of a higher s
31 designs
All the prosecco lovers, that would like to purchase a bottle that communicates warranty of quality and historicity.
18 designs
This product is for the mixology sector. A lot of bartenders don't like to use our Bellini because they want to make it
32 designs
The primary target group will be children and pre-teens, our primary target market is the Indian market and the neighbor
144 designs